Warriors Fight and Fitness Academy

Warriors Fight and
Fitness Academy

Our Story

Warriors Fight and Fitness Academy has been established by Sensei Kenneth Hana-a legend of the kickboxing league. The core focus of the Academy is on Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing as well as self defense techniques.
With branches both in Umhlanga, Durban and in Meeren See,Richards Bay: we endeavor to gain recognition for the sport of MMA and Kickboxing, and teach our students to be in control of their own safety:not victims!!!

#11 Most Popular Kids Activity in Richards Bay

#12 Most Popular Kids Activity in Richards Bay

#11 Most Popular Kids Activity in Richards Bay

What our students and parents say

Growing up, I was always the fattest slowest kid on the block, which really worried me all through my schooling years. In 2011, I heard about Warriors Fight Academy and decided to try out a session. When I got to the Dojo, I didn’t know what to expect, but felt very “at home” when everyone greeted and welcomed me as a family would. The Nidan ( Now Sensei ), being very senior to me, was very accommodating to my lack of knowledge to the sport and helped me along. The next day I contacted Sensei Kenneth saying my body was too sore to train and I don’t think I’ll come back, which he replied “You gotta Just push through”.

After taking Sensei Kenneth’s advice, i began to enjoy every session, where I really grew in the sport. When I started at Warrior Fight Academy I weighed 96KGs after 3 Months of solid training I weighted 76KGs with the ability to Punch and Kick, with proper Form. I was mentored daily and trained really hard. Sensei Kenneth’s commitment to the dojo and his pride in advancing my abilities, has really paved the way to many areas of my life. My level of confidence has increased and I have matured much more. The mindset that I have gained from training has given me the opportunity of obtaining my 1st Brown Belt and ventured into opening my own Fitness Facility.

Warriors Fight Academy isn’t just a Dojo where you learn Self Defence, but rather a family orientated setting where everyone helps each other to grow and develop.

Leeolan Moodley

Joining the Warriors family was one of my best life decisions. I have learnt and achieved more than I could have ever dreamed of. You train in an environment where you are encouraged and motivated by coaches and fellow students to become your best despite your fitness level. I hope that this is acceptable. Thank you Sensei for the opportunity.

Niven Govender

As a parent one will wish the best for your kids . Their confidence and social interaction with others and even the need to stand their ground is very important. With a child that was affected by these issues joining Warriors was one with apprehension. None the less we pitched up for our first lesson.

After that first day, Warriors training day became a must. My children, especially my son, has overcome his fear of large groups of people, can engage with others at a first time meeting, expresses his dislike or favor in different situations observed or experienced. They are more focused, both are more aware of their surroundings and point out what they feel is not normal regarding our safety in Public. Warriors was a step in the right direction for the well being of my children.

Balwan Singh

Finding a place to exercise was a blessing for me and my child. I wanted my child to do some active work rather than spending time watching TV or playing games. The weight was increasing exponentially in such a way that if something is not done, it will cause health problem in the future.

I started looking for a training area, likely when I browse the internet, I managed to find Richards bay Warriors. We were welcomed well in the training. The exercises were very hard at the start, but with the support from the manager of Richards bay Warriors, everything went very well.

The training was very good, it boosted my child’s confidence level enormously. It has helped in building muscle and managing the weight. He was also rewarded with a trophy during price giving, which was something we never expected, but it was like a dream come true for us. His confident level went exponentially high.

We thank you for your support, you have made a big impact in my child’s life. We appreciate how you do things, mutual respect, your dedication on the training session and many other things. There are lot of things we have learnt from this training namely; respect, self-control, confidence and extras.

Lutendo Netshipale,Thendo’s Dad

December 2017, the gruesome sight of blood, pain and sweat still lingers in my mind. I saw both our Sensei’s in their element, fighting our then, brown belt students. It shocked me and my mum refused to send me back to the academy. But, I didn’t just want to be only a smarty pants, and, as we all know, a Warrior, knows no limits, so here I stand today. MMA has made me into a confident 9 year old. Through our Sensei’s teachings, I have acquired, discipline, honour and respect, that is why I appreciate MMA.

It has taught me to set goals for myself and always strive for the best, even if defeat surprises me, it’s just another step, just another wall to jump over to reach my goal. I have learnt that nothing can bring me down and no obstacle is going to break me. I use all my Sensei’s teachings at school, and never back down on any challenge. No doubt it is tiring and sometimes gruesome, but it surely is, the sport of my heart. Being at the Warriors Academy, God has given me a family outside, my own family, we share common interests with love, warmth and care.

We must not allow negativity to get the better of us, you must always become a better you. As our Master, Bruce-Lee once said, Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add to what is specifically your own. I believe there is a champion in every one of us. No sparring, no glory, no bruises, no story. Defeated Warriors go to War first and then seek to win. Victorious Warriors, win first and then go to War, which Warrior are you?


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Our Locations

57 Dollar Drive SABS building, between Avis and National security
Richards Bay